When diving around Socorro Island, we find families of one of nature’s most intelligent creatures: the bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus gilli). Here, you can dive with them in total freedom, with them coming to you at close distance, being very curious about the presence of human beings. Jump onboard our Socorro Island and Revillagigedo cruises and meet this amazing species in a trip you won’t forget.
Of course, not only dolphins are present on the Socorro & Revillagigedo Island cruise, but also ten species of sharks, the magnificent Oceanic Giant Mantas, and much more.
For more information on dolphins and more species, and places around the world you can swim or dive with them don’t forget to visit https://www.animalsaroundtheglobe.com an amazing site partnering with us towards responsible interactions with animals around the world.
Photos by our Socorro Aggressor Cruise Manager Juan “Rana” Avilés.